Green Jobs Forum Week
Dates to be announced soon!
The Green Jobs Forum offers professionals, students and the general public an indepth exploration of career options and industry trends in Canada’s everexpanding Green Economy.
11 Live and Livestream events across Canada!
Dates to be announced soon!
Vancouver, Calgary, Yellowknife, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Fredericton, St. John’s and Charlottetown
Be prepared to…
- Discover environmental labour market trends, career paths and skills requirements
- Learn about environmental best practices that can apply to all sectors
- Connect with peers, thought-leaders and innovators
Be inspired and motivated in The Green Sector Rooms
Delegates will learn from insightful presentations and will interact with leaders and mentors in the private, public and non-profit sectors within the following green industry rooms:
- Canada’s Green Recovery
- Resource Management Challenges for the 21st Century
- Blueprint for Clean Capitalism
- Creating Sustainable Cities
- The Future of Environmental Employment
Engage and exchange in The Exhibit Hall
30+ organizations will be on hand to offer information about
Recruitment: the variety of green jobs available with both private and not-forprofit organizations
Hands-On Help: how to build your skill sets and monopolize your presence in the green economy
Schools and Programs: The latest possibilities for an environmental education
Volunteering and Networking: Gain experience and connect with the greencollar workforce
In April 2021, our government announced an unprecedented investment in Canada’s Green Recovery. Canada’s workforce must respond quickly; gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to make the most of this opportunity.
Did you know the number of environmental professionals in Canada has increased tenfold over the past decade, yet only 25% of already employed professionals are casually or actively looking for new employment? A growing number of governments, businesses and consumers are committing themselves to conserving resources and reducing environmental impact, meaning green jobs are constantly emerging in areas where they wouldn’t have existed before.
It has become clear that we need to address the labour needs of the growing green industry by preparing todays professionals with the knowledge to answer the skills gaps emerging for tomorrow’s jobs. We need to develop a workforce that can fill the new and existing jobs needed for a sustainable future.
Taking Charge
by The Pembina Institute
Canada’s Renovation Wave: A plan for jobs and climate
by The Pembina Institute
Tracking the Energy Transition 2021
by Clean Energy Canada
Speakers and schedule coming soon.
The Green Jobs Forum Attendee Experience in 2021 & 2022. The ability to pre-select sessions and customize their conference—choose one sector or many!
- Ability to participate in real time Q&A when participating in a session at its scheduled time
- Opportunity to access the library of content and invite friends to join even once the conference has begun
- Follow up emails to attendees after each day to highlight the sessions and top questions driven by audience participation
- Follow up email to include a “recommended for you” feature to encourage further participation
- Ability to engage in real time with exhibitors throughout the conference through the virtual platform
- Ability to engage with other attendees based on like-minded features through the virtual platform
- Overall production quality is of utmost importance to this project and how the attendees experience it
5 Sectors
Technology, Heavy Industry and Waste.
Agriculture, Forestry and Conservation.
Subsectors within each daily theme will include:
- Clean energy, clean electricity, hydrogen and energy storage;
- Emission reduction in the oil and gas sector;
- Advancing green aerospace and automotive technologies, zero-emission vehicles and low carbon fuels;
- Emmision reduction technologies in the heavy industry sector;
- Waste reduction and diversion and wastewater treatment;
- Manufacturing and clean-tech innovation;
- Agriculture and agri-food;
- Freshwater, habitat and wildlife conservation;
- Sustainable forestry and urban forestry;
- Value added wood products; and
- Green building, retrofitting and urban planning
Speakers and schedule coming soon.
Whether it is a live event with live streaming elements or a fully virtual event, the Green Jobs Forum will provide exhibitors with an augmented experience using a virtual conference platform. Virtual platforms
bring more benefits to the exhibitor experience by making the tracking of engagement with attendees more
accurate, allowing for simplified follow up and also allowing for purposeful conservations between attendee
and exhibitor.
Registration package is coming soon. To register your interest and receive timely updates, please contact us now!
The Green Jobs Forum offers participants an in-depth exploration of careers in Canada’s Green Sector that is positioning itself to lead our Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery.
An inclusive two-year program specifically designed to address staffing needs within Canada’s fast growing Green Economy, with five days of virtual events in 2021 and 11 in-person events in 2022. Delegates will learn from inspiring and insightful presentations and will interact with leaders and mentors in the private, public and non-profit sectors within 5 highly relevant and emerging green-industry sectors.
A Virtual Exhibit Hall, augmented to also include In-Person Exhibit Halls at 11 cross-Canada events in 2022, will offer practical job search information and tools specific to the Green Economy. Sponsorship packages position your company as a leader in sustainability, with exclusive brand-exposure to an estimated 2.5 million students and green-collar professionals via targeted pre-event marketing, virtual and on-site interaction with 10,000+ attendees and an online post-event video series.
Contact us now to support today’s professionals in their pursuit of building on their career. We’d be happy to develop an effective sponsorship program to meet your needs.
Robert Orlovski | Green Living Enterprises | 1-866-934-0044 x319 | rorlovski@green-living.ca